(ENG) The fifth episode – “A Sunny Hillside” of the microfilm series “Better Tourism, Better Life, Better World” takes you to Nanyu Village in Laishui County, located in Hebei Province in northern China. If you are looking for a paradise-like resort then Nanyu Village with a sunny hillside is definitely the first choice. This place meets all the conditions to satisfy you that live here in seclusion including away from the ups and downs, surrounded by mountains, quiet, serene, simple and refined. Those who have visited here have been calling it – “Ma Ma Hua”. The protagonist Duan Chunting in this episode is the village chief of Nanyu Village. He leads the villagers to use the good local ecological environment and the unique tourism resources, which help the locals to change their minds and vigorously develop tourism, and thereby see tourism as an effective way to get rid of poverty. Through a series of professional planning and renovation and upgrading, the old houses in Nanyu Village have been transformed into high-end homestays and named after the local wild flowers “Ma Ma Hua”. The atmosphere is simple and tranquil. Through the bright floor-to-ceiling window, the visitors can see the verdant mountain forest and stay far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. In 2019, there were 15 high-end and 12 ordinary hostel properties in the village, with annual revenue of more than 2.6 million yuan. All the poverty-stricken people in the village have been lifted out of poverty.

(DAN) Den femte episode – ”En Solrig Bjergskråning” i kort-videoserien ”Bedre Turisme, Bedre Liv, Bedre Verden” tager dig til Nanyu Landsby i Laishui Amtet, som ligger i Hebei-provinsen i det nordlige Kina. Hvis du leder efter et paradislignende feriested, er Nanyu Landsby med en solrig bjergskråning absolut det første valg. Stedet opfylder alle betingelserne for at tilfredsstille dig, der lever her i afsondrethed herunder væk fra op- og nedture, omgivet af bjerge, stille og rolig, enkelt og raffineret. De, som havde besøgt her, har kaldt det – ”Ma Ma Hua”. Hovedpersonen Duan Chunting i denne episode er landsbyhovedmanden for Nanyu Landsby. Han fører de lokale folk til at anvende det gode lokale økologiske miljø og de unikke turistressourcer, som har hjulpet dem med at ændre deres meninger og udvikle turismen, og derved se turisme som en effektiv måde at slippe ud af fattigdom på. Gennem en række professionelle planlægninger, renoveringer og opgraderinger er de gamle huse i Nanyu Landsby blevet omdannet til high-end homestays og opkaldt efter de lokale vildblomster ”Ma Ma Hua”. Atmosfæren er enkel og rolig. Gennem det lyse gulv-til-loft vindue kan de besøgende se den grønne bjergskov og holde sig langt væk fra byens trængsel og travlhed. I 2019 var der 15 high-end og 12 almindelige homestay-boliger i landsbyen med en årlig omsætning på mere end 2,6 millioner Yuan. Alle de fattigdomsramte mennesker i landsbyen er blevet løftet ud af fattigdom.

(ENG) Laishui County of Baoding City in Hebei Province is located in the southwest of Beijing with a total area of 1,650 square kilometers, where mountainous areas and hills account for 80.3%, which is a typical mountainous county. It is among contiguous poverty-stricken areas of Yan Mountains and Taihang Mountains and one of the nine key counties of poverty reduction demonstration zone determined by Hebei Province. Due to poor and weak foundation, the development of Laishui County is relatively backward. According to statistics in early 2012, there were still 100,000 poor people in the county. Laishui County enjoys abundant tourism resources, especially the national AAAAAlevel tourist scenic area, world geopark, and national-level tourist attraction – Yesanpo Scenic Area. Within 520 square kilometers of Yesanpo, nature has made a great effort to create more than 80 scenic spots in seven scenic areas including Baili Gorge, Baicaopan Forest, Yugu Cave, Longmen Heaen Pass, Juma River and Jinhua Mountain. Yesanpo Scenic Area covers more than 70 poverty-stricken villages of five towns. Through years of exploration, based on the tourism advantageous industry in Yesanpo Scenic Area, six specific models have been initially formed, including homestay, industrial and commercial capital driving, tourism cooperatives driving, natural resources driving, driving of village stationing support and the leading enterprises. Also, the new model of “double drive factors and four establishments”, which includes the scenic areas drives villages and talents drive households, developing the industry, organizing the masses, connecting interests, and promoting culture and endogenous impetus. Yesanpo Scenic Area helped the locals develop a new business model accommodation in farmhouses. After many years of resilient work, poverty alleviation has generally been achieved.

(DAN) Laishui Amtet i byen Baoding i Hebei-provinsen ligger i den sydvestlige del af Beijing med et samlet areal på 1.650 kvadratkilometer, hvor bjergrige områder og bakker tegner sig for 80,3%, og er et typisk bjergrigt amt. Det er blandt de koncentreret fattigdomsramte områder omkring Yan- og Taihang-bjerget og er et af de ni vigtigste amter for demonstrationszone for fattigdomsreduktion udvalgt af Hebei-provinsen. På grund af en dårlig og svag infrastruktur er udviklingen i ​​Laishui Amtet relativt bagud. Ifølge statistikker var der i begyndelsen af ​​2012 stadig 100.000 fattige mennesker i amtet. Laishui Amtet har en masse turistressourcer, især Yesanpo Scenic Area – det nationale AAAAA-niveau naturskønne sted, verdens geopark og turistattraktion på nationalt niveau. Inden for 520 kvadratkilometer fra Yesanpo har naturen også gjort en stor indsats for at skabe mere end 80 naturskønne steder i syv naturskønne områder, herunder Baili Gorge, Baicaopan Forest, Yugu Cave, Longmen Heaen Pass, Juma River og Jinhua Mountain. Yesanpo Scenic Area dækker mere end 70 fattige landsbyer i fem byer. Gennem mange års efterforskning, baseret på den fordelagtige turismeindustri i Yesanpo Scenic Area, er der oprindeligt dannet seks specifikke modeller til at drive lokal udvikling på, herunder homestay, industriel og kommerciel kapital, turismekooperativer, naturressourcer, landsbybistand og de førende virksomheder. Derudover inkluderer den nye model ”double drive factors and four establishments”; naturskønne steder driver landsbyer og dygtige mennesker til at drive husstande, udvikler industrien, organiserer masserne, forbinder interesser og fremmer kultur og endogen motivation. Yesanpo Scenic Area har udviklet en ny forretningsmodel for private hjem og bondehuse gennem hjælp og assistance. Efter mange års hårde arbejde lykkedes det at bekæmpe fattigdommen.

Watch the episode 5 by clicking the play button below