The Chinese bronze culture is extensive and profound with a long history. A large number of various unearthed bronze artifacts are characterized with beautiful modeling and superb casting techniques. Such bronze relics as the exquisite ritual vessels, musical instruments and weapons are regarded as important gems of the world’s cultural treasure house.
This lecture gives an overall introduction to the different periods of the bronze culture in ancient China, and focuses on three representative bronze artifacts: Square Zun with Four Sheep, Chime-bells from the Tomb of Marquis Yi of the Zeng State, and Sword of Gou Jian, King of Yue, with the purpose of illustrating the outstanding achievements of Chinese bronze culture and the origin of Chinese ritual and music civilization, and building a bridge to understand the Chinese culture and explore the ancient Chinese Civilization from a bronze artifacts’ perspective.

About Lin Peng
Lin Peng, senior professor of School of Humanities of Tsinghua University, and director of the Research Center of Chinese Ritual of Tsinghua University. He obtains a particular government allowance from the State Council. He has been engaged in the teaching and research of the ancient Chinese history, handed-down and unearthed documentations, and Confucian classics. Two of his courses, “Relics of Chinese History” and “China’s Ancient Ritual Civilization”, have been awarded as China’s National-level Excellent Courses. His representative works include “An Outline of Chinese Traditional Etiquette”, “Ancient Chinese Ceremonial Rites”, “Living with Rites”, “A Study of the Major Theme and the Completion Time of Zhou Li”, “Introduction to the San Li Studies”, “Chinese Ritual’s Influences in Ancient North Korea”, “Chinese Etiquette”, “Upbringing and Domestic Moral Standard”, etc.
Click the play button below to watch the first episode
Online Foredrag om Kinesisk Kultur: Bronzekultur og Kinesisk Civilisation
Den kinesiske bronzekultur er omfattende og har en lang historie. Et stort antal af forskellige udgravede bronze artefakter er karakteriseret ved smukke former og fremragende støbeteknikker. Sådanne bronze-relikvier såsom de udsøgte rituelle redskaber, musikinstrumenter og våben m.m. betragtes som vigtige perler i verdens kulturelt skattehus.
Dette foredrag giver en samlet introduktion til de forskellige perioder i bronzekulturen i det gamle Kina og fokuserer på tre repræsentative bronze artefakter: Fire-gedet Zun, Klokker fra Marquis Yis gravkammer i Zeng-staten, og Gou Jian-sværdet, Kongen af Yue, med det formål at vise de fremragende resultater, som man har opnået under den kinesiske bronzekultur samt det kinesiske ritual- og musikcivilisations oprindelse og bygger dermed en bro, så vi bedre kan forstå den kinesiske kultur og udforske den kinesiske civilisation fra de gamle tider i Kina ud fra et bronze-artefakts perspektiv.
Om Lin Peng
Lin Peng, professor på School of Humanities på Tsinghua University, og direktør for Research Center of Chinese Ritual of Tsinghua University. Han nyder en særlig godtgørelse fra statsrådet. Han har været engageret i at undervise og forske i den kinesiske historie, overleverede og udgravede dokumentationer og klassikere i konfucianismen. To af hans kurser, “Relics of Chinese History” og “China’s Ancient Ritual Civilization”, er blevet tildelt som Kinas fremragende kurser på nationalt niveau. Hans repræsentative værker; “An Outline of Chinese Traditional Etiquette”, “Ancient Chinese Ceremonial Rites”, “Living with Rites”, “A Study of the Major Theme and the Completing Time of Zhou Li”, “Introduction to the San Li Studies”, “Chinese Ritual’s Influences in Ancient North Korea”, “Chinese Etiquette”, “Upbringing and Domestic Moral Standard” osv..