On November 28, the China Cultural Center in Copenhagen held a seminar on “Event Production” during its book club session. The centre’s staff engaged in in-depth discussions on various aspects of event production, including creativity, operation, and promotion. Participants unanimously agreed that events serve as a crucial means for the centre to showcase cultural and tourism initiatives. Enhancing the centre’s event production capabilities and elevating the quality and impact of these activities emerged as pivotal topics in building the centre’s communication capacity.

During the seminar, attendees emphasized the importance of clearly defining the purpose and objectives of events as the starting point for production. Creativity was highlighted as a key factor in event production, with simultaneous emphasis on resource distribution, audience analysis, teamwork, and process management (including time, budget, and risk management) throughout the entire event production cycle.
Through these discussions, the integral process of event production—encompassing creativity, planning, execution, and evaluation—was clarified. It was underscored that the centre needs to continuously enhance its operational management capabilities across the entire process.

The China Cultural Center in Copenhagen Book Club serves as a platform for staff to exchange ideas, focusing on essential topics related to their daily work. The club has organized multiple events, delving into subjects such as project management, risk management, media operations, video production, Danish history, and tea culture. Rooted in the experiences of centre staff, the book club also extends invitations to professionals from various fields in Denmark and China to share their expertise.
Den 28. november afholdt Kina Kulturcentret i København et seminar om “Eventproduktion” under sin bogklubssession. Centrets medarbejdere deltog i dybdegående diskussioner om forskellige aspekter af eventproduktion, herunder kreativitet, drift og markedsføring. Deltagerne var enige om, at begivenheder udgør en afgørende måde for centret at fremvise kulturelle og turismefremstød. At styrke centrets evne til eventproduktion og hæve kvaliteten og indflydelsen af disse aktiviteter fremstod som afgørende emner i opbygningen af centrets kommunikationskapacitet.
Under seminaret understregede deltagerne vigtigheden af klart at definere formålet og målene for begivenheder som udgangspunkt for produktion. Kreativitet blev fremhævet som en nøglefaktor i eventproduktion, samtidig med at der blev lagt vægt på ressourcefordeling, målgruppeanalyse, teamwork og processtyring (herunder tids-, budget- og risikostyring) gennem hele eventproduktionscyklussen.
Gennem disse diskussioner blev den integrerede proces af eventproduktion – der omfatter kreativitet, planlægning, udførelse og evaluering – afklaret. Det blev understreget, at centret skal forbedre sine driftsledelseskapaciteter kontinuerligt på tværs af hele processen.
Kina Kulturcentret i Københavns Bogklub fungerer som en platform, hvor personalet kan udveksle ideer og fokusere på væsentlige emner relateret til deres daglige arbejde. Klubben har organiseret flere arrangementer, der dykker ned i emner som projektledelse, risikostyring, medieoperationer, videoproduktion, dansk historie og teakultur. Forankret i centrets personales erfaringer inviterer bogklubben også fagfolk fra forskellige områder i Danmark og Kina til at dele deres ekspertise.