National painting, as a traditional Chinese painting art form, is unique and holds a high reputation in the worldwide panorama of fine arts. Since ancient times, there has been a proliferation of Chinese paintings featuring the Mid-Autumn Festival as the theme. Depict wonderful scenes of Mid-Autumn reunions, raising a toast under the full moon, and enjoying the beautiful evening together with loved ones. It expresses people’s reminiscences of their hometown, and their great expectations and hope for a good harvest. While displaying representative Chinese paintings featuring the culture of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the project has also added animations to enhance narrative plots, restore colors and inspire viewers’ imagination. The deeper meanings beyond the pictures allow the audience to have a tangible grasp of Chinese painting art, as well as an immersive experience of the Mid-Autumn Festival culture.


A Cup In Hand Under the Moon

Light Stroll Under the Mellow Moon Painting Catalogue

Watching the Tide on a Moonlit Night

Chang’e Holding A Laurel


Det kinesiske nationalmaleri, som en traditionel kinesisk malerkunst, er enestående og har et godt ry inden for verdenskunsten. Siden den gamle tid i Kina har der været en spredning af kinesiske malerier med månefestival som tema. Månefestival udtrykker folks erindringer om deres hjemby og deres store forventninger og håb om en god høst. Dette mikro-kursus viser de repræsentative kinesiske maleriværker med elementer fra månefestivalen. Der suppleres også med animationer for at forbedre fortællerplottet, genskabning af farver og inspirere seernes fantasi. De dybere betydninger bag malerierne giver seerne mulighed for at have et håndgribeligt greb om kinesisk malerkunst samt en fordybende oplevelse af månefestivalskulturen.