Last week, on March 13, the China Cultural Center in Copenhagen hosted the event “Yaji in Copenhagen—Unity of Human and Nature,” attended by more than 30 students with their teacher from Gentofte HF High School. The event featured a lecture on the concept of “Unity of Human and Nature”, among other things, a traditional Chinese tea ceremony, and a Chinese calligraphy session.

The event started with Director ZHENG Wen providing an insightful overview of the elegant tradition of Yaji gatherings in China. He introduced the Danish youth to the Chinese philosophical ideal of living in harmony with nature, highlighting traditional cultural expressions like solar terms, Tai Chi, and traditional Chinese medicine.

The event also featured a demonstration of the Song Dynasty tea ceremony and offered an immersive calligraphy workshop, giving students a hands-on experience. Reflecting on the event’s significant impact, their teacher highlighted that it provided a rich understanding of the core principles of Chinese civilization and Chinese aesthetic beauty. She expressed a hope to continue exploring the depths of Chinese culture with her students in the future.

Sidste uge, den 13. marts, afholdt Det Kinesiske Kulturcenter i København begivenheden “Yaji i København—Menneske og Natur i Harmoni”, som mere end 30 studerende med deres lærer fra Gentofte HF Gymnasium deltog i. Begivenheden bød på et foredrag om blandt andet konceptet “Menneske og Natur i Harmoni”, en traditionel kinesisk te-ceremoni og kinesisk kalligrafi. Begivenheden startede med, at direktør ZHENG Wen gav et indsigtsfuldt overblik over den elegante tradition Yaji i Kina. Han introducerede de danske unge til det kinesiske filosofiske ideal om at leve i harmoni med naturen, hvor han fremhævede traditionelle kulturelle udtryk som solperioder, Tai Chi og traditionel kinesisk medicin. Begivenheden inkluderede også en demonstration af te-ceremoni fra Song-dynastiet og tilbød et fordybende kalligrafi-workshop, der gav studerende en praktisk oplevelse. I refleksion over begivenhedens betydelige indflydelse fremhævede deres lærer, at den havde givet en rig forståelse af de grundlæggende principper i kinesisk civilisation og kinesisk æstetisk skønhed. Læreren udtrykte et håb om at fortsætte med at udforske kinesisk kultur med sine elever i fremtiden.