Song Dynasty (960-1276) paintings undoubtedly marked the heyday of ancient Chinese art and have been widely recognized as treasures of Chinese civilization. To spotlight their legacy, CGTN has launched “The Song, Painted,” an immersive interactive virtual exhibition that features six themes – Children, Style, Stage, Class, Market, and Faith – to decode traditional Chinese aesthetics via the lifestyles depicted in the paintings.
The virtual exhibition presents an immersive interactive tour with Chinese and English voiceover descriptions to slideshows with over 110 Song Dynasty paintings chosen from ten museums in China and around the world, including some renowned works contributed by The Palace Museum, such as Along the River During a Qingming Time (Qingming Shanghe Tu) by Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), The Night Revels of Han Xizai by Gu Hongzhong (937-975), and Huashan Mountain God in an Epiphany by Li Gonglin (1049-1106).

Figure paintings in the Song Dynasty covered a wide range of genres and subjects and were nothing short of superb depictions of their protagonists, from how they looked and dressed to how they moved and mingled. In order to highly recreate the appearance of the characters in the painting, 2D skeletal animation was created using Adobe Animation CC software, and the ancient painting was disassembled and restored by the designer and made into an animation embedded in the interactive web page.

Six major digital halls of the virtual exhibition will feature a comprehensive image of its relevant category, zooming in on each featured artwork, describing the composition, examining the techniques, interpreting and elaborating on the content, bring paintings sleeping in museums back to life.

In each digital hall, visitors can interact with artworks and exhibits to learn more about the artwork on display. By interacting with the makeup routine buttons inside the “Style” hall, one can experience the beauty of the Song cosmetics, from base foundation to layer application. Swipe through the exhibition hall as if you were in the world inside the scrolls, and the paintings that have been dormant for as long as a thousand years are brought to life. A wide variety of other interaction options are waiting for you to discover.

Join us on a virtual excursion as we delve into a nostalgic dream, immersing ourselves in the grandeur and splendor of an imperial paradise from a bygone era.
Read more about the Song Paintings by clicking here
Experience the exhibition by clicking here
Song-dynastiets (960-1276) malerier markerede utvivlsomt storhedstiderne for traditionel kinesisk kunst og er blevet bredt anerkendt som skatte i den kinesiske civilisation. For at sætte fokus på dette har CGTN lanceret “The Song, Painted”, en fordybende interaktiv virtuel udstilling, der byder på seks temaer – børn, stil, scene, klasse, marked og tro – til afkodning af traditionel kinesisk æstetik via den livsstil, der er afbildet i malerierne.
Den virtuelle udstilling har både den kinesiske og den engelske voiceover til fortælling af lysbilledshow med over 110 malerier fra Song-dynastiet udvalgt fra ti museer i Kina og rundt om i verden, herunder nogle kendte værker bidraget af The Palace Museum, såsom Along the River Under en Qingming Time (Qingming Shanghe Tu) af Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), The Night Revels of Han Xizai af Gu Hongzhong (937-975) og Huashan Mountain God in an Epiphany af Li Gonglin (1049-1106).
Figurmalerier fra Song-dynastiet dækkede en bred vifte af genrer og emner og var intet mindre end fremragende skildringer af deres hovedpersoner, herunder deres fysiske udseende, påklædning og bevægelser, såvel som deres interaktioner med andre. For i høj grad at genskabe udseendet af figurerne i maleriet, blev 2D-skeletanimation skabt ved hjælp af Adobe Animation CC-software, og det traditionelle maleri blev adskilt og genoprettet af designeren og blev lavet til en animation indlejret i den interaktive hjemmeside.
Seks store digitale haller i den virtuelle udstilling viser et omfattende billede af dens relevante kategori, hvor man kan zoome ind på hvert fremhævet kunstværk, se beskrivelsen af kompositionen, undersøge teknikkerne, fortolke og uddybe indholdet, og bringer altså malerier, der sover på museer, til live igen.
I hver digital hal kan besøgende interagere med kunstværker og udstillinger for at lære mere om det udstillede kunstværk. Ved at interagere med makeup-rutineknapperne inde i “Stil”-hallen kan man opleve skønhed og kosmetik i Song-dynastiet, fra foundation til lagpåføring. Stryg gennem udstillingshallen, som om du er inden i verdenen, og de malerier, der har ligget i dvale så længe som tusind år, bliver vækket til live. En lang række andre interaktionsmuligheder venter på, at du opdager dem.
Tag med os på en virtuel rejse, mens vi dykker ned i en nostalgisk drøm, hvor vi fordyber os i storheden og pragten af et kejserligt paradis fra en svunden tid.