“Bearing the eternal great cause in mind, the centenary only ushers in the prime of life.“
2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Over the past century, the Chinese Communist Party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country. After arduous struggles, the Chinese Communist Party has ushered in a great leap from standing up to getting rich and then becoming strong, achieving great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. It has created a miracle that shines through the annals of history.
China has given full play to its institutional advantages of concentrating its forces to do major things, which demonstrates Chinese power, Chinese spirit, and Chinese efficiency.
China’s development and progress have not only benefited the 1.3 billion Chinese people, but also benefited people all over the world.
The Chinese people will continue to fight and courageously move forward to write a more brilliant new chapter.
The video series “Shanghai Through Our Eyes” produced by the Information Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government in collaboration with Xinmin Evening News has invited 100 foreigners in Shanghai to share what they had heard, seen, and felt about living and working in Shanghai and in China. It presents China’s development and progress and the great achievements of the Chinese Communist Party through the foreigners’ perspectives.
”At have sin evige store sag i tankerne, og hundredårsdagen fører kun til den bedste alder.”
2021 markerer 100-året for grundlæggelsen af Kinas kommunistiske parti. I løbet af det sidste hundredår har det kinesiske kommunistparti forenet og ført folk i alle etniske grupper i hele landet. Efter hårde kampe har det kinesiske kommunistparti indledt et stort spring fra at stå op til at blive rig, og derefter blive stærk og har altså opnået store resultater, som har tiltrukket hele verdens opmærksomhed. Det har skabt et mirakel, der skinner igennem historiens annaler.
Kina har udøvet fuldt ud sine institutionelle fordele ved at koncentrere om sine kræfter til at gøre store ting, hvilket viser den kinesisk magt, den kinesisk ånd og den kinesisk effektivitet.
Kinas udvikling og fremskridt har ikke kun gavnet de 1,3 milliarder kinesere, men også gavnet mennesker over hele verden.
Det kinesiske folk vil fortsætte med at kæmpe og gå modigt frem og dermed skrive et mere strålende nyt kapitel.
Videoserien ”Shanghai Gennem Vores Øjne”, produceret af informationskontoret for Shanghai Municipal People’s Government i samarbejde med Xinmin Aften Nyhederne, har inviteret 100 udlændinge i Shanghai til at fortælle, hvad de havde hørt, set og følt om at bo og arbejde i Shanghai og i Kina. Den præsenterer Kinas udvikling og fremskridt og det kinesiske kommunistpartis store resultater ud fra udlændingenes perspektiver.
Episode 1: Ke Wensi – Showing the world the real China through the use of the lens
Ke Wensi (Malcolm Clarke) was born in the United Kingdom and he is currently living in Canada. He is a famous director who has been engaged in documentaries and feature films for more than 40 years. He has filmed in more than 80 countries and his works have won awards from many international film festivals, including 4 Oscar nominations, 2 Oscars, 16 Emmys, and 5 CableACE, etc.
Episode 1: Ke Wensi – Viser verden det virkelige Kina ved brug af linser
Ke Wensi (Malcolm Clarke) blev født i Storbritannien og bor i øjeblikket i Canada. Han er en berømt instruktør, der har beskæftiget sig med dokumentarfilm og spillefilm i mere end 40 år. Han har filmet i mere end 80 lande, og hans værker har vundet priser fra mange internationale filmfestivaler, herunder 4 Oscar-nomineringer, 2 Oscars, 16 Emmys og 5 CableACE osv.

In the 1980s, in order to make a documentary, Ke Wensi came to China for the first time and stayed in China for nine months. During these nine months, he got to know the real China. Since then, he has fallen in love with China. Ke Wensi clearly remembered the moments for 40 years ago. He recalled: “The Bund at that time was a very special place. Part of the wharf was still working, and the boats were moored at the entrance of today’s Peace Hotel.” Since then, Ke Wensi travelled the world and has lived in London, New York, Los Angeles and other cosmopolitan cities, and thus wrote the chapter of his film life through the use of lens.
I 1980’erne kom Ke Wensi for første gang til Kina for at lave en dokumentar og blev i Kina i ni måneder. I løbet af disse ni måneder lærte han det virkelige Kina at kende. Siden da har han elsket Kina. Ke Wensi huskede tydeligt de øjeblikke for 40 år siden. Han tænkte tilbage på: ”The Bund på det tidspunkt var et meget specielt sted. En del af kajen arbejdede stadig, og bådene blev fortøjet ved indgangen til dagens Peace Hotel.” Siden da rejste Ke Wensi jorden rundt og har boet blandt andet i London, New York, Los Angeles og andre kosmopolitiske byer og skrev således kapitlet om sit filmliv ved brug af linser.
Looking at the Western media reports, Ke Wensi always felt that it was not the real China that has been reported. Suddenly, he came up with the idea to record the real China. Beginning in 2013, Ke Wensi has focused on his work in China as well as his film project in China. Ke Wensi said frankly that for him “The Rise of China” or “The Renaissance of China” are the biggest ongoing news story of the 21st century. “For a documentary filmmaker, this is an excellent place.”
Ser man på de vestlige medie-nyheder, følte Ke Wensi altid, at det ikke var det rigtige Kina, der blev rapporteret. Pludselig fik han en idé om at optage det virkelige Kina. Fra og med 2013 har Ke Wensi fokuseret på sit arbejde i Kina samt sit filmprojekt i Kina. Ke Wensi sagde ærligt, at ”The Rise of China” eller ”The Chinese Renaissance” for ham er den største igangværende nyhedshistorie i det 21. århundrede. ”Dette er et fremragende sted for en dokumentarfilmskaber.”
“It is often said that if a person wants to see the future, then he should travel to China. In many aspects, the future is now. No country can achieve the achievements that China has achieved in such a short period of time.” Ke Wensi recalled that since 2013, he has traveled to most provinces and cities in China, where he can see huge challenges and development potentials. “Everyone is working hard and they are eager to build a better future.”
”Det siges ofte, at hvis en person vil se fremtiden, så skal han rejse til Kina. I mange aspekter er fremtiden nu. Ingen lande kan opnå de resultater, som Kina har opnået på så kort tid.” Ke Wensi huskede, at han siden 2013 har rejst til de fleste provinser og byer i Kina, hvor han har kunnet se store udfordringer og udviklingspotentialer. ”Alle arbejder hårdt, og de er ivrige efter at bygge en bedre fremtid.”
“As a British person, I have a better understanding of the rise and fall of Western superpowers. China will shape the 21st century. There is no doubt about this. We only need to look at the way the West responds to the COVID-19-pandemic. The governments of some Western countries are too short-sighted and perhaps too arrogant to learn from China’s experience.” Ke Wensi sighed. It has been 40 years since he first came to Shanghai. Today, Ke Wensi, who lives in Shanghai, still loves the Bund. In his opinion, the Bund is a perfect place. It quietly tells the progress and development of China in the past century. Looking at the Bund from Pudong and looking at the Pudong from the Bund are two different beautiful sceneries and two different historical narratives.
A Production of Xinmin Evening News.
”Som en brite har jeg en bedre forståelse for de vestlige stormagters fremgang og fald. Kina vil forme det 21. århundrede. Der er ingen tvivl om dette. Vi behøver kun at se på, hvordan Vesten tackler COVID-19-pandemien. Regeringerne i nogle vestlige lande er for kortsynet, og måske for arrogante til at lære af Kinas erfaring,” sukkede Ke Wensi. Det har været 40 år siden han først kom til Shanghai. I dag elsker Ke Wensi, der bor i Shanghai, stadig The Bund. Efter hans mening er The Bund et perfekt sted. Det fortæller stille og roligt fremskridt og udvikling i Kina i det sidste hundredår. Ser man på The Bund fra Pudong og ser på Pudong fra The Bund er to forskellige smukke landskaber og to forskellige historiske fortællinger.
Af Xinmin Aften Nyhederne.
Watch the first episode by clicking the play button below