To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Part of China, the Information Office of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government in collaboration with Xinmin Evening News have produced the video series “Shanghai Through Our Eyes”. 100 foreigners in Shanghai have been invited to share what they had heard, seen, and felt about living and working in Shanghai and in China. Today, the China Cultural Center in Copenhagen will present the second episode of “Shanghai Through Our Eyes” and shows Luo Xiwen (Sylvain Laurent), a Frenchman who loves cooking. So, what kind of fate and love does he have with China and Shanghai?
For at fejre 100-årsdagen for grundlæggelsen af Kinas Kommunistiske Parti har Informationskontoret for Shanghai Municipal People’s Government i samarbejde med Xinmin Aften Nyhederne produceret videoserien ”Shanghai Gennem Vores Øjne”. 100 udlændinge i Shanghai er blevet inviteret til at fortælle, hvad de havde hørt, set og følt om at bo og arbejde i Shanghai og i Kina. I dag præsenterer Det Kinesiske Kulturcenter i København den anden episode i ”Shanghai Gennem Vores Øjne” og viser Luo Xiwen (Sylvain Laurent), en franskmand, der elsker madlavning. Så hvilken skæbne og kærlighed har han til Kina og Shanghai?
“Shanghai is one of the most innovative cities in the world.” As soon as Luo Xiwen came to Shanghai for the first time in 2012, he discovered the capacities for innovation of the city and began to move the headquarters of Asia Pacific for Dassault Systèmes from Tokyo to Shanghai, and in 2020 the core departments were fully moved and officially completed.
As the executive vice president of Dassault Systèmes and Chairman of the Board Infrastructure & Cities, Luo Xiwen witnessed Shanghai’s pursuit of optimizing the business environment. He said that in the city of Shanghai “it makes people feel that life is very beautiful”. Seeing citizens exercise, dance public square dancing, visit supermarkets and food markets, Luo Xiwen said that this full of fun and energetic city has become his second hometown.
”Shanghai er en af de mest innovative byer i verden.” Så snart Luo Xiwen kom til Shanghai for første gang i 2012, opdagede han kapaciteterne for innovation i byen og begyndte at flytte hovedkvarteret for Dassault Systèmes for Asia Pacific fra Tokyo til Shanghai, og i 2020 blev kerneafdelingerne fuldt flyttet og officielt afsluttet.
Som viceadministrerende direktør for Dassault Systèmes og formand for bestyrelsen Infrastructure & Cities var Luo Xiwen vidne til Shanghai’s stræben efter at optimere handelsmiljøet. Han sagde, at byen Shanghai ”får folk til at føle, at livet er meget smukt”. At se borgere træne, danse offentlige torvedans, besøge supermarkeder og madmarkeder, sagde Luo Xiwen, at denne fuld af sjove og energiske by er blevet hans anden hjemby.
In the past two decades since entering the Chinese market, Dassault Systèmes has been actively promoting the “In China, For China, With China” strategy. How to develop together with China is the goal of Dassault Systèmes’ continuous exploration.
Luo Xiwen has already integrated into this full of fun and energetic city. “When I come back in the evening, what I like so much, sometimes I stop to observe the people in the streets that they are dancing, sometimes yoga. This is never seen in the world. So, for me it’s my fun time.” Luo Xiwen said cheerfully.
I de sidste to årtier siden indtræden på det kinesiske marked har Dassault Systèmes aktivt promoveret strategien ”I Kina, For Kina, Med Kina”. Hvordan man udvikler sig sammen med Kina er målet for Dassault Systèmes løbende opgave.
Luo Xiwen har allerede integreret sig i denne fuld af sjove og energiske by. ”Når jeg kommer tilbage om aftenen, det hvad jeg kan lide så meget er at jeg nogle gange stopper op og observerer folk på gaderne; de danser, nogle gange yoga. Dette ser man aldrig i verden. Så for mig er det min sjove tid.” Sagde Luo Xiwen muntert.
Luo Xiwen, who loves cooking, will try to merge French and Chinese food cultures in the spare times. In order to obtain fresher ingredients, the head of this foreign company often goes to the supermarket and the food market to experience the real life in Shanghai. Luo Xiwen smiled and said: “You can feel the lively atmosphere when you are in the food market.” Because he loves this city, so in recent years, Luo Xiwen has actively promoted the exchanges and cooperation between China and France in the business, technology and other fields.
In order to commend and thank him for his positive contributions to Shanghai’s exchanges and urban development, the Shanghai Municipal Government awarded Luo Xiwen “Magnolia Honor Award” in 2019. ”I like Magnolia very much because it is the symbol of Shanghai.” He is quite proud. “I am deeply honored to be awarded the Magnolia Honor Award. This is also an honor of all people from Dassault Systèmes.”
Luo Xiwen, der elsker madlavning, vil forsøge at smelte fransk og kinesisk madkultur i sin fritid. For at få friskere ingredienser går lederen for denne udenlandske virksomhed ofte på supermarkedet og madmarkedet for at opleve det virkelige liv i Shanghai. Luo Xiwen smilede og sagde: ”Du kan føle den livlige atmosfære, når du er på madmarkedet.” Fordi han elsker denne by, har Luo Xiwen i de senere år aktivt fremmet udveksling og samarbejde mellem Kina og Frankrig inden for handel, teknologi og andre områder.
For at rose og takke ham for hans positive bidrag til Shanghais udvekslinger og byudvikling, tildelte Shanghai kommunale regering Luo Xiwen ”Magnolia Ærespris” i 2019. ”Jeg kan godt lide Magnolia, fordi det er symbolet på Shanghai.” Han er ret stolt. ”Jeg er dybt beæret over at blive tildelt Magnolia Æresprisen. Dette er også en ære for alle fra Dassault Systèmes.”

Watch the second episode by clicking the play button below