Today, we will bring you the lecture “Gallantry in Tenderness – The Momentum and Spirit of Chinese Wushu”. The speaker in this lecture is professor Tao Meng from Beijing Sport University. She will talk about the spirituality, which is a core part of Chinese martial arts, and from the origin and development of Chinese martial arts to the origin and characteristics of various traditional schools. Moreover, the relationship between martial arts and traditional Chinese culture will also be discussed by taking Taijiquan and Baguazhang as examples. Lastly, the lecture will also introduce the spread of martial arts and culture by taking Kung Fu movies as examples.

About Tao Meng:
Tao Meng graduated from Beijing Sport University with a master’s degree in ethnic traditional sports with a level 6 in the Chinese Wushu Duanwei System; a national martial arts referee; a member of the Wushu Committee of Beijing Wushu Association; has been a referee several times in the international and domestic martial arts competitions. She has also been to Germany, India, Italy and other countries for the purpose of teaching and participating in cultural exchange activities. In 2006, she was rated as a young backbone teacher in Beijing.
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I dag bringer vi dig foredraget om “Tapperhed og Mildhed – Styrken og Ånden i Den Kinesiske Kampsport”. Taleren i dette foredrag er professor Tao Meng fra Beijing Sport University. Hun vil blandt andet tale om spiritualitet som er en central del af den kinesisk kampsport, og den kinesiske kampsports oprindelse og udvikling til de forskellige skolers oprindelse og karakteristika. Derudover vil forholdet mellem kampsport og traditionel kinesisk kultur også blive diskuteret ved at tage Taijiquan og Baguazhang som eksempler. Til sidst introducerer foredraget også spredningen af kampsport og kultur ved at tage Kung Fu-film som eksempler.
Om Tao Meng:
Tao Meng dimitterede fra Beijing Sport University med en kandidatgrad i etnisk traditionel sport med niveau 6 i det kinesiske Wushu Duanwei System; en national kampsportsdommer; er medlem af Wushu-udvalget i Beijing Wushu Association; har været dommer flere gange i de internationale og indenlandske kampe inden for kampsport. Hun har også været i Tyskland, Indien, Italien og andre lande med det formål at undervise og fremme kulturudveksling. I 2006 blev hun vurderet til en af de vigtige unge lærere i Beijing.