On January 27, 2022, the global launching ceremony and concert of the 2022 “Happy Chinese New Year” event by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China is held in Beijing and will be live-streamed. Hu Heping, Minister of Culture and Tourism, will also deliver a speech to launch the event. Multiple social media platforms around the world will simultaneously launch the ceremony and concert. The following is the speech delivered by Hu Heping at the 2022 “Happy Chinese New Year” global launching ceremony and concert.

Watch the concert here: https://youtu.be/7xaWYsk_HJE
Den 27. januar 2022 afholdes den globale lanceringsceremoni og koncert for 2022 “Glædelig Kinesisk Nytår” eventet af Det Kinesiske Ministerium for Kultur og Turisme i Beijing og vil blive livestreamet. Hu Heping, minister for kultur og turisme, holder også en tale for at skyde eventet i gang. Flere sociale medieplatforme rundt om i verden vil samtidig lancere ceremonien og koncert. Det følgende er talen holdt af Hu Heping til den globale lanceringsceremoni og koncert for 2022 “Glædelig Kinesisk Nytår”.
Speech Delivered at the 2022 “Happy Chinese New Year”
Global Launching Ceremony & Concert
January, 2022
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,
Another cycle of seasons begins as spring returns to the good earth. With the Chinese New Year of the Tiger just around the corner, I am delighted to join you virtually at the global launch of the “Happy Chinese New Year” celebration, which is our annual meeting point. On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, I wish to extend my warmest congratulations on the event, and my New Year greetings and best wishes to all our guests.
Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival is the most important celebration observed in China, with cultural and historic significance. The holiday is about spending time with family and sharing blessings and abundance, and its celebration reinforces traditional Chinese values of benevolence and kindness to others. As important cornerstones of the Chinese cultural identity these virtues are also universally cherished around the world. In recent years, China’s international cultural exchange has been increasingly dynamic. In particular, with the growing influence of overseas “Happy Chinese New Year” celebrations organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, this amazing Chinese festival has been gaining popularity in more communities and countries than ever. It is now a trendy holiday celebrated across the globe, and a good example of what Chinese culture is all about. For anyone who shares the spirit of the festival, it is a prime opportunity to join their friends and family in a festive mood to party, celebrate, and wish each other good fortune and success.
As the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games will open during the Chinese New Year’s time, our “Happy Chinese New Year” program this year will also celebrate the Games alongside the Spring Festival. Under these two themes, we will roll out a wide range of exciting events that feature Chinese traditional culture, ice and snow sports, and lifestyle. These events, including powerful and significant works from Chinese and global artists, diverse new year folklore from various Chinese provinces, intangible cultural heritage bearer presentations, TV documentaries of gastronomy, culture and nature, and streaming of breath-taking Olympic events, will be presented to delight global viewers and tell exciting stories of how the Spring Festival inspires culture, arts and people’s everyday life in China. It is a cultural feast that we hope to share with the world, which is full of new year blessings and best wishes to everyone.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,
As Chinese President Xi Jinping said, only through unity, solidarity and cooperation can countries around the world write a new chapter in building a community with a shared future for mankind. While global issues such as the COVID-19 outbreak pose massive challenges for us, they would not affect our confidence and action as China and the world pursue open, inclusive and shared progress and mutually beneficial cooperation. As our brand cultural program to bring happiness and festivity to the world in goodwill, “Happy Chinese New Year” always takes the joyful occasion of China’s Spring Festival as an opportunity to help connect China and the world more tightly through culture and tourism, and harness the power of culture to foster win-win cooperation and stronger people-to-people connectivity. We hope we can contribute to building stronger public support worldwide for a community of shared future for mankind, so that we can face challenges together and jointly work for a bright future.
Hereby, I wish the 2022 “Happy Chinese New Year ” a complete success. May all of you and your families enjoy good health, happiness, prosperity and success in the Year of the Tiger.
Thank you.