Chinese New Year 2022 is almost upon us. This year it falls on Tuesday, February 1st. According to the Chinese zodiac, this year is the Year of the Tiger. On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, the China Cultural Center in Copenhagen will present a variety of high-quality, creative, and exciting cultural programs, including short videos, interactive experiences, concerts, online exhibitions, and much more from January 27 to February 25 to embark on a cultural tour of Spring Festival. The “Happy Chinese New Year” event hopes to bring the feeling of warmth and fun of the Chinese New Year to the Danish people while at the same time gaining an insight into the traditional Chinese culture, China’s Ice and Snow, as well as modern and contemporary Chinese art. See the schedule of the programs below.

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2022 Happy Chinese New Year Online Performances & Exhibitions by the Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival

The “2022 Happy Chinese New Year Online Performances & Exhibitions by the Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival” will be launched on January 31, 2022. Taking place from January 31 to February 15, the project is hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism and organized by the Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival. High-definition videos of stage performances, a guide to the appreciation of Shanghai-style architecture, a documentary, and other wonderful shows will be broadcast on this “online platform,” presenting the fruitful results of China’s cultural development to people from various circles of society at home and abroad. It will extend the festive and merry atmosphere of the traditional Chinese New Year to the virtual space, and allow the worldwide spectators who love Chinese culture to appreciate the beauty of China.
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Kinesisk nytår 2022 er lige rundt om hjørnet. I år falder det tirsdag den 1. februar. Ifølge de kinesiske stjernetegn er dette år Tigerens år. I anledning af det kinesiske nytår vil Det Kinesiske Kulturcenter i København tage dig med på en kulturel rundvisning. Der vil blive præsenteret en række kreative og spændende kulturelle programmer af høj kvalitet, herunder korte videoer, interaktive oplevelser, koncerter, online udstillinger og meget mere fra d. 27 januar til d. 25 februar. Eventet “Glædelig Kinesisk Nytår” har til hensigt at bringe følelsen af varme og sjov fra det kinesiske nytår til det danske folk og samtidig få et indblik i den traditionelle kinesiske kultur, Kinas is og sne samt moderne og nutidig kinesisk kunst. Se tidsplanen for programmerne forneden.