In 2022, Beijing will host the 24th Winter Olympic Games. As the host city of the Winter Olympic Games, Beijing and Zhangjiakou will bring a new Winter Olympic experience to the world. The global promotional campaign “Great Wall Hero 2021—Beijing Winter Charms” shares Beijing’s winter tourism features, breaks stereotypes about northern winter tourism and showcases Beijing’s ice and snow sports, cultural landscape, food, performances and exhibitions, as well as lively folk scenes during the Spring Festival.


Beijing er vært for de 24. olympiske vinterlege i 2022. Som værtsby for de olympiske vinterlege vil Beijing og Zhangjiakou bringe en ny olympisk vinteroplevelse til verden. Den globale reklamekampagne “Den Kinesiske Mur Helt 2021—Beijings Vinter Charme” præsenterer vinterturismetræk i Beijing, bryder stereotyper om nordlig vinterturisme og fremviser vintersport, kulturlandskab, mad, forestillinger og udstillinger samt livlige folkescener, som man vil kunne se i det kinesiske nytår, i Beijing.

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