The event “2022 China Ice & Snow Tourism” is sponsored by the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation of China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the International Cooperation Department of National Radio and Television Administration, the Publicity Department of the General Administration of Sport of China, and the Network of International Culturalink Entities (NICE) in cooperation with cultural and tourism provincial departments of seven provinces and autonomous regions, including Beijing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang.
This event will be launched by overseas China Cultural Centers and China Tourist Offices from Jan 4th, 2022 to Feb 28th, 2022. The event aims to help support the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, promote international cultural exchanges and cooperation, and strengthen China’s ice and snow tourism resources overseas. The nearly 60-day program features more than 40 cultural and tourism activities, such as the launch ceremony, ice and snow-themed projects, the global screening of ice and snow-themed documentaries, as well as online cultural and tourism weeks centered on different areas.
The schedule of the programs are as follows:

Click here to view the program
Eventet “2022 Kina Is og Sne Turisme” er sponsoreret af det Internationale Udvekslings- og Samarbejdsbureau i Det Kinesiske Ministerium for Kultur og Turisme, International Cooperation Department of National Radio and Television Administration, Publicity Department of General Administration of Sports of China, og Network of International Culturalink Entities (NICE) i samarbejde med kultur- og turisme afdelingerne i syv provinser samt autonome regioner, herunder Beijing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Indre Mongoliet og Xinjiang. Dette event vil blive lanceret af oversøiske kinesiske kulturcentre og Kinas turistkontorer, og begynder fra d. 4. januar 2022 til og med d. 28. februar 2022. Eventet har til formål at hjælpe med blandt andet at støtte de olympiske vinterlege i Beijing 2022, fremme international kulturudveksling og samarbejde og styrke den oversøiske promovering af ressourcerne fra Kinas is- og sneturisme. Det næsten 60-dages program byder på mere end 40 kultur- og turisme aktiviteter, såsom lanceringsceremonien, projekter med is- og sne-tema, den globale visning af dokumentarfilm med is- og sne-tema samt online kultur- og turismeuger centreret om forskellige områder.
Tidsplanen for programmerne er som følger: