Composed of young performers born in the 1980s and 1990s, Zi De Guqin Studio is committed to promoting Guqin and other traditional Chinese musical instruments. The musicians wear traditional Chinese costumes and stage performances with traditional Chinese musical instruments. This time, they will perform their latest creative works: Fragrance of Rice, Air on the G String, Orchid Grass, Emperor’s Female Son-in-Law, Purification Ceremony, A Magical Box in the Desert, and Xia Dynasty.
Zi De Guqin Studio er opbygget af unge kunstnere født i 1980’erne og 1990’erne og er forpligtet til at promovere Guqin og andre traditionelle kinesiske musikinstrumenter. Musikerne bærer traditionelle kinesiske kostumer og sceneoptræden med traditionelle kinesiske musikinstrumenter. Denne gang vil de fremføre deres seneste kreative værker: Fragrance of Rice, Air on the G String, Orchid Grass, Emperor’s Female Son-in-Law, Purification Ceremony, A Magical Box in the Desert, and Xia Dynasty.