The Winter Olympics-themed animation “The Promise of Ice and Snow” is directed by the Press and Publicity Department General Administration of Sports, P.R. China, and produced by new-sports of China Sports Publications Co., Ltd. This animation work consists of 10 episodes where each episode lasts about 1 minute and with ten different winter sports heroes taking part in an ice and snow covenant.

“The Promise of Ice and Snow” uses animation as a carrier and integrates ice and snow culture, animation culture, and Chinese culture. It uses smart and cute animal images and realistic-style animation scenes to enable audiences to create a connection and emotional resonance during the viewing process. This series of animations aim to promote the development of winter sports in China, popularize winter sports knowledge, guide the public to better appreciate winter sports, participate in winter sports, and show the world the enthusiasm and charm of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Watch other episodes by clicking here


Animationen “Løftet om Is og Sne” med vinter-OL som tema er instrueret af Press and Publicity Department General Administration of Sports, P.R. China, og produceret af new-sports fra China Sports Publications Co., Ltd. Dette animationsværk består af 10 episoder, hvor hver episode varer omkring 1 minut og med 10 forskellige vintersportshelte, der deltager i en is- og sne-pagt. “Løftet om Is og Sne” bruger animation som en bærer og integrerer is- og snekultur, animationskultur og kinesisk kultur. Den bruger smarte og søde dyrebilleder og animationsscener i realistisk stil for at gøre det muligt for publikum at skabe en forbindelse og følelsesmæssig resonans under visningsprocessen. Denne serie af animationer sigter mod at fremme udviklingen af vintersport i ​​Kina, popularisere viden om vintersport, guide offentligheden til bedre at værdsætte vintersport, deltage i vintersport og vise verden entusiasmen og charmen i 2022 Vinter-OL i Beijing.