My Home: Musical Photo Album is one of the activities in Mid-Autumn Festival: A Moonmoment to Remember, a global unified brand activity, organized under the guidance of the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China. In order to showcase appreciation, empathy, and sharing, the cultural connotation of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Network of International Culturalink Entities, in conjunction with overseas China Cultural Centers and overseas tourist offices, jointly initiated and organized various Chinese cultural and tourist organizations abroad to collect photographs and short videos based on the theme, My Home. Many overseas Chinese cultural and tourist institutions overseas have supported and actively participated in the activity since its notification. Up to now, we have received a total of 366 photographs and 21 videos submitted by 24 overseas organizations from 22 countries. The photos and videos should reflect the daily life of families and schools, festivals, natural environments, and world heritages of various countries and ethnic groups, but those of local celebrations on the Mid-Autumn Festival are better. After the final selection, sub-headings and Mid-Autumn-themed music are added to make, My Home, an online musical photo album that can be shared globally. Through presenting the visual media with accompanied music, we hope that the people around the world can reunite with their loved ones and create lifelong happy memories.

Click here to watch the Musical Photo Album


“Mit Hjem: Musikalsk Fotoalbum” viser en samling af billeder og korte videoer med temaet “Mit Hjem”. Billederne og videoerne afspejler de dagligdage hos familier, i skoler, festivaler, naturmiljøer, verdensarv i de forskellige lande og etniske grupper. Der håbes på med dette program, at mennesker rundt om i verden kan blive genforenet med deres kære og skabe livslange lykkelige minder.