I morgen er det den 1. juni, som markerer den Internationale Børnedag. Vi har derfor valgt otte kinesiske børnefilm som dig og dine børn kan sidde og se sammen. De otte film er ”God Dreng og Kung Fu”, ”En Rejse til Kysten”, ”Små Tigre”, ”Dyre Redningsgruppen”, ”At Løbe som Vind”, ”Min Fodbold Drøm”, ”Mai Maitis 2008” og ”Kung Fu Drenge”. Disse film vil være tilgængelige gratis i en begrænset periode fra 1. juni til 7. juni. Disse filmlinks udløber derefter. Filmene er præsenteret af 1905.com og har både kinesiske og engelske undertekster. Hvis du har problemer med at afspille filmen, kan du prøve at tilgå dem via din mobil eller Ipad. Lad os få en visuel filmfest med børnene, og lad de smukke øjeblikke forblive i børnenes minder!
🎈🧸 Movie Recommendations, International Children’s Day

Tomorrow is June 1st, which marks International Children’s Day. We have therefore chosen eight Chinese children’s films that you and your children can sit and watch together. The eight films are “Good Boy and Kung Fu”, “A Journey to the Coast”, “Little Tigers”, “Animal Rescue Group”, “Running Like the Wind”, “My Football Dream”, “Mai Maitis 2008” and “King Fu Boys”. These films will be available for free for a limited period from June 1st to June 7th. These movie links will then expire. The films are presented by 1905.com and has both Chinese and English subtitles. If you have trouble playing the movies, try accessing them through your mobile or iPad. Let’s have a visual movie party with the kids and let the beautiful moments remain in the children’s memories!

🔗 Filmlinks:
– Good Boy and Kung Fu 好小子,好功夫 (2019): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/1422326.shtml

– A Journey to the Seaside 亲密旅行 (2019): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/1451546.shtml

– Little Tigers 小小飞虎队 (2013): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/689905.shtml

– Animal Rescue Squad 动物出击 (2019): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/1411518.shtml

– Running Like Wind 旋风女队 (2017): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/1458181.shtml

– My Football Dream 平凡的足球 (2016): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/1032342.shtml

– Mai Mai Ti’s 2008 买买提的2008 (2008): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/85669.shtml

– Kung Fu Boys 龙拳小子 (2016): https://www.1905.com/vod/play/1458180.shtml