The Winter Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sports of China and Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio have jointly produced and launched the animated promotional video called “China’s Ice and Snow Expansion”. The video combines the three elements of ice and snow, technology, and traditional Chinese culture. Further, it demonstrates the charm of China’s ice and snow sports by using iconic Chinese cartoon characters such as Monkey King, Nezha, Snow Child, etc. The video calls on everyone to participate in ice and snow sports and “to the future” together.
Winter Sports Management Center for General Administration of Sports of China og Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio har i fællesskab produceret og lanceret den animerede reklamevideo kaldet “Udvidelsen af Kinas Is og Sne”. Videoen kombinerer de tre elementer; is og sne, teknologi og traditionel kinesisk kultur. Yderligere demonstrerer den charmen ved Kinas is- og snesport ved brug af ikoniske kinesiske tegneseriefigurer som Monkey King, Nezha, Snow Child osv. Videoen kalder alle til at deltage i is- og snesport og til fremtiden sammen.