Historically, the most common mode of transportation in China was the bicycle. As a result of China’s rapid economic development, personal automobiles have supplanted bicycles and public transportation as the primary mode of mobility for the country’s citizens, which has resulted in a number of complications for traffic and the environment.

Now that bicycles are making a comeback in China, shared bicycles, in particular, have become the mode of transportation of choice for many city commuters. This eco-friendly mode of transportation is gaining popularity among the Chinese people.

China has a close collaboration with Tour de France and even hosted such an event in Shanghai in 2021.

The China Cultural Center in Copenhagen sends its warmest wishes to the Tour de France in Copenhagen.

Ride on the bicycle, return to the green life. Visit China, rediscover its stunning beauty.


Historisk set var den mest almindelige transportform i Kina cyklen. Som et resultat af Kinas hurtige økonomiske udvikling har personbiler fortrængt cykler og offentlig transport som den primære mobilitetsform for landets borgere, hvilket har resulteret i en række komplikationer.

Nu hvor cykler er på vej tilbage i Kina, er især delecykler blevet den foretrukne transportform for mange by-pendlere. Denne miljøvenlige transportform er ved at vinde popularitet blandt det kinesiske folk.

Kina har et tæt samarbejde med Tour de France og var endda vært for eventet i Shanghai i 2021.

Det kinesiske kulturcenter i København sender sine varmeste ønsker til Tour de France i København.

Kør på cyklen, tilbage til det grønne liv; Besøg Kina, og genopdag dets fantastiske skønhed.