The countdown to the first anniversary of the Beijing Winter Olympics was held on the evening of February 4, 2021 at the National Aquatics Center “Ice Cube”. Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), delivered a speech via video: “One year from now, Beijing will write history as the first city ever to host both the summer and winter editions of the Olympic Games. These Games will connect the Chinese people with the world. Having seen how China is overcoming the coronavirus crisis, we are very confident that our Chinese hosts will ensure safe and secure Olympic Games in full cooperation with the IOC.” At the same time, The IOC has sent out invitations via video to the Olympic Committees and athletes of various countries (regions) to invite them to participate in the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The Olympic Committee presidents of Greece, Japan, France, Italy, the United States, Australia, Nigeria, China and other countries gladly accepted the invitation. This unique power of sport to unite all of humanity is one of the most important things that the Olympic Games can give us in our troubled times. In a world where mistrust and uncertainty are on the rise, sport is a source of joy and inspiration for so many people, giving us hope that our shared humanity is stronger than the forces that want to divide us.
Nedtællingen til præcis et år til starten på vinter-OL i Beijing blev afholdt om aftenen den 4. februar 2021 i Beijing National Aquatics Center ”Ice Cube”. Thomas Bach, præsidenten for Den Internationale Olympiske Komité (IOC), holdt en tale via video: ”Et år fra nu vil Beijing skrive OL-historie ved at blive den første by nogensinde til at afholde både et sommer-OL og et vinter-OL. Disse lege vil forbinde det kinesiske folk med verden. Efter at have set, hvordan Kina overvinder COVID-19 krisen, er vi meget sikre på, at vores kinesiske værter vil sikre sikkerheden ved de olympiske lege i fuldt samarbejde med IOC.” Samtidig har IOC udsendt invitationer via video til de olympiske komiteer og atleter i forskellige lande (regioner) for at invitere dem til at deltage i vinter-OL i Beijing 2022. Præsidenterne for Den Olympiske Komité i Grækenland, Japan, Frankrig, Italien, USA, Australien, Nigeria, Kina og andre lande accepterede gerne invitationen. Denne unikke sportskraft til at forene hele menneskeheden er en af de vigtigste ting, som de olympiske lege kan give os i vores urolige tider. I en verden, hvor mistillid og usikkerhed er stigende, er sport en kilde af glæde og inspiration for mange mennesker, hvilket giver os håb om, at vores fælles menneskelighed er stærkere end de kræfter, der ønsker at opdele os.
Justine Braisaz from France competes during IBU Biathlon World Cup Biathlon, Women 10 km pursuit competition in Oslo, on March 18, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / NTB Scanpix / Hakon Mosvold Larsen / Norway OUT
Vision of the Beijing Winter Olympics
Vision af Vinterlege i Beijing
VISION: Joyful rendezvous upon pure ice & snow uniting the passion of hundreds of millions for winter sports.
MISSION: Deliver a fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Beijing 2022 Winter Games, which are green, inclusive, open and clean.
- Inspire the youth with the Olympic spirit.
- Encourage millions to embrace winter sports.
- Promote social progress through Winter Games.
- Create a harmonious world of better mutual understanding
VISION: Glædeligt mødested på ren is og sne, som forener hundrede af millioner af menneskers passion for vintersport.
MISSION: At levere et fantastisk, ekstraordinært og fremragende vinter-OL i Beijing 2022 med grøn, inklusiv, åben og ren.
- Inspirere de unge med den olympiske ånd.
- Opmuntre millioner af mennesker til at omfavne vintersport.
- Fremme sociale fremskridt gennem vinterlege.
- Skabe en harmonisk verden med bedre gensidig forståelse
Barbora Machalova CZE (Right) escapes from Fanny Brolin SWE (Left), Josefin Bouveng SWE (2nd Left) and Linnea Sjolund SWE during the Ice Hockey Ladies’ final between Sweden and Czech Republic at the Kristins Hall during the Winter Youth Olympic Games, Lillehammer, Norway, 21 February 2016. Photo: Jed Leicester for YIS/IOC Handout image supplied by YIS/IOC Bildnummer: 05309930 Datum: 15.02.1992 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Ye Qiaobo (China); Vdia, hoch, 1000m Olympische Spiele 1992, Winterspiele, Albertville Dynamik, Anstrengung, Kampf, Eisschnellauf OS Winter Damen Einzel Einzelbild Aktion Personen Image number 05309930 date 15 02 1992 Copyright imago Sven Simon Ye Qiaobo China Vdia vertical 1000m Olympic Games 1992 Winter Games Albertville Dynamics strain Fight Speed skating OS Winter women Singles Single Action shot Human Beings
The Idea Of Hosting The Olympics
Idéen Om At Være Vært For OL
The Chinese government attaches great importance to preparations for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games. Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged organizers of the 2022 Winter Olympics to fulfill China’s commitment of hosting a “fantastic, extraordinary and excellent Games” and stresses a “green, inclusive, open and clean Olympic Games.”
GREEN: giving priority to ecological preservation, conserving resources and environmental friendliness in a bid to distinguish the Beijing 2022 Winter Games with Chinese characteristics.
INCLUSIVE: providing opportunities for the public to participate, jointly contribute and share to help the Beijing 2022 Winter Games bring about a productive society.
OPEN: opening up to the world, future and modernization in an effort to make the Beijing 2022 Winter Games drive China’s opening up.
CLEAN: hosting an economical, clean and efficient Games with the aim to ensure the Beijing 2022 Winter Games is as pure as ice and snow.
Den kinesiske regering lægger stor vægt på forberedelserne til de olympiske vinterlege i Beijing 2022. Kinas præsident Xi Jinping har opfordret arrangørerne af vinter-OL 2022 til at opfylde Kinas forpligtelse om at være vært for ”fantastiske, ekstraordinære og fremragende lege” og fremhæver ”grønne, inklusive, åbne og rene olympiske lege.”
GRØNT: prioriterer økologisk bevarelse, ressourcebeskyttelse og miljøvenlighed i et forsøg på at få en oplevelse af vinter-OL i Beijing 2022 med kinesiske karakteristika.
INKLUSIV: at give offentligheden mulighed for at deltage, bidrage til fælleskabet og dele, for at hjælpe vinter-OL i Beijing 2022 med at skabe et produktivt samfund.
ÅBENT: åbner op for verden, fremtid og modernisering i et forsøg på at få vinter-OL i Beijing 2022 til at drive Kinas åbning.
REN: at være vært for økonomiske, rene og effektive lege med det formål at sikre, at vinter-OL i Beijing 2022 er lige så rene som is og sne.
SALT LAKE CITY, UT – FEBRUARY 23: Yang Yang (A) of China celebrates her gold medal in the women’s 1000m speed skating final during the Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games on February 23, 2002 at the Salt Lake Ice Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Photo by Donald Miralle/Getty Images) on day thirteen of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at Gangneung Ice Arena on February 22, 2018 in Gangneung, South Korea.
The Events of The Winter Games
Vinterlege Begivenhederne
Opening on 4 February 2022, the Games will feature 7 sports, 15 disciplines and 109 events. The disciplines include Short Track Speed Skating, Speed Skating, Figure Skating, Ice Hockey, Curling, Bobsleigh, Skeleton, Luge, Biathlon, Nordic Combined, Ski Jumping, Freestyle Skiing, Alpine Skiing, Cross-Country Skiing and Snowboard.
De olympiske vinterlege i Beijing åbner den 4. februar 2022 og indeholder 7 sportsgrene, 15 discipliner og 109 begivenheder. Disciplinerne inkluderer kortbaneløb på skøjter, hurtigløb på skøjter, kunstskøjteløb, ishockey, curling, bobslæde, skeleton, luge, skiskydning, Nordic kombineret, skihop, freestyle ski, alpint skiløb, langrend og snowboard.
Andriy Lysetskyy and Myroslav Levkovych UKR compete in the Luge Doubles at Lillehammer Olympic Sliding Centre during the Winter Youth Olympic Games, Lillehammer, Norway, 15 February 2016. Photo: Jon Buckle for YIS/IOC Handout image supplied by YIS/IOC Frederique Turgeon CAN competes during the Alpine Skiing Standing Womenís Giant Slalom run 1 at the Jeongseon Alpine Centre. The Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang, South Korea, Wednesday 14th March 2018. Photo: Simon Bruty for OIS/IOC. Handout image supplied by OIS/IOC Maciej Kot of Poland competes during the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Flying Hill Team Event in Planica, on March 25, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Jure Makovec
The Paralympic Winter Games
De Paralympiske Vinterlege
The Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games will comprise of 6 sports, including Para Biathlon, Wheelchair Curling, Para Ice Hockey, Para Alpine Skiing, Para Cross-Country Skiing, and Para Snowboard.
De paralympiske vinterlege i Beijing 2022 vil bestå af 6 sportsgrene, herunder skiskydning, kørestolscurling, ishockey, alpint skiløb, langrend og snowboard.
Jianxin Chen CHN throws a stone during the Wheelchair Curling Gold Medal Game between the People’s Republic of China and Norway at the Gangneung Curling Centre. The Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang, South Korea, Saturday 17th March 2018. Photo: Joel Marklund for OIS/IOC. Handout image supplied by OIS/IOC China’s curling team Haitao Wang CHN, Jianxin Chen CHN, Wei Liu CHN, Meng Wang CHN and Qiang Zhang CHN (L to R) celebrate on the podium after winning the Wheelchair Curling Gold Medal Game against Norway at the Gangneung Curling Centre. The Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang, South Korea, Saturday 17th March 2018. Photo: Joel Marklund for OIS/IOC. Handout image supplied by OIS/IOC Andrea Eskau GER competes during the Biathlon Sitting Women’s 6km at the Alpensia Biathlon Centre. The Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang, South Korea, Saturday 10th March 2018. Photo: Thomas Lovelock for OIS/IOC. Handout image supplied by OIS/IOC James Dunn CAN reaches for the puck during the Ice Hockey Preliminary Round Game between Canada and Norway at the Gangneung Hockey Centre. The Paralympic Winter Games, PyeongChang, South Korea, Monday 12th March 2018. Photo: Thomas Lovelock for OIS/IOC. Handout image supplied by OIS/IOC
Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 Trailer