Shandong has a long history, rich culture, brilliant humanistic resources, and a beautiful natural environment. The modern, fashionable, livable, and economically advantageous urban landscape, as well as the new businesses, new experiences, and new landscapes brought about by the development of all-in-one tourism, gave Shandong a new appearance.

As an important channel connecting Shandong to developed provinces and cities such as Suzhou, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, the Shandong section of the Grand Canal is reputed “The Rhine in Shandong” by its people. Its prosperity and development are the results of the relentless efforts of the governments along the river and the shipping professionals in Shandong. The Shandong section of the Grand Canal flows by Jining, Zaozhuang, Dezhou, Liaocheng, and Tai’an. The heavy cultural foundation, rich tourist resources, long history, and human culture are passed on along the river.


Shandong har en lang historie, rig på kultur, fremragende menneskelige ressourcer og et smukt naturligt miljø. Det moderne, fashionable, beboelige og økonomisk fordelagtige bylandskab, såvel som de nye virksomheder, nye oplevelser og nye landskaber skabt af udviklingen af alt-i-en turisme, gav Shandong et nyt udseende.

Som en vigtig kanal, der forbinder Shandong med de udviklede provinser og byer som Suzhou, Zhejiang og Shanghai, er Shandong-delen af Den Store Kanal kendt som “Shandongs Rhinen” af dets folk. Dens velstand og udvikling er resultaterne af den hårde indsats fra den lokale regering langs floden og fagfolk i shipping i Shandong. Shandong-delen af Den Store Kanal flyder gennem byerne Jining, Zaozhuang, Dezhou, Liaocheng og Tai’an. Det stærke kulturelle fundament, rige turistressourcer, lange historie og menneskelige kultur videreføres gennem floden.