“Tea for Harmony” celebrates the 10th anniversary of the China Cultural Center in Copenhagen on 11th June 2024.

In his welcome speech, Director Zheng Wen reviewed the work of the center’s 10th anniversary. Finn Andersen made outstanding contributions to the mutual establishment of Cultural Centers between China and Denmark during his post as the Secretary General of the Danish Cultural Institute. In his speech, he mentioned that the mutual establishment of the Cultural Centers provides an important channel for the two countries to understand each other, and hopes that the China Culture Center will achieve more brilliant results in the future.

During the commemorative activities, musicians from China and Denmark jointly performed several popular classics in the form of integration of Chinese and Western cultures and dialogue of civilizations. The piano and flute ensemble “The Same Song” took time back to ten years ago. This song was sung at the opening ceremony of the center.

Danish tea art master Marcus Udsen (author of Tea Life: The Art of Brewing Tea), center staff Ma Chenghe, and Danish Michelin Chinese chef Liang Dehua presented Chinese tea art and Chinese-Danish fusion cuisine to the guests. Markus present the guests about the various possibilities of tea culture from a Danish perspective that the tea ceremony is a life attitude and an inclusive and harmonious culture.
I sin velkomsttale gennemgik direktør Zheng Wen centerets arbejde gennem de seneste 10 år. Finn Andersen, som i sin tid som generalsekretær for Dansk Kulturinstitut, ydet fremragende bidrag til den gensidige etablering af kulturcentre mellem Kina og Danmark. I sin tale nævnte han, at den gensidige etablering af kulturcentre giver en vigtig kanal for de to lande til at forstå hinanden og håber, at Det Kinesiske Kulturcenter vil opnå endnu mere strålende resultater i fremtiden.
Under jubilæumsaktiviteterne fremførte musikere fra Kina og Danmark flere populære klassikere i form af integration af kinesisk og vestlig kultur og civilisationsdialog. Klaver- og fløjteduetten “The Same Song” tog os tilbage til for ti år siden, da dette nummer blev sunget ved åbningsceremonien af centeret.
Dansk te-kunstmester Marcus Udsen (forfatter af Tea Life: The Art of Brewing Tea), centerpersonalet Ma Chenghe og den danske Michelin-kinesiske kok Liang Dehua præsenterede kinesisk te-kunst og kinesisk-dansk fusionkøkken for gæsterne. Marcus fortalte gæsterne om de forskellige muligheder inden for te-kultur fra et dansk perspektiv, at teselskabet er en livsindstilling og en inkluderende og harmonisk kultur.