The Beautiful China - Ice and Snow Tour Interactive Experience is presented through hand-drawn animations on this theme page. Through short-video clips, pictures and Q&A’s featuring characteristic elements of winter culture in different parts of China, this interactive experience presents the world with a refreshing view of vibrant winter culture, allows friends across the world to see the rich winter culture in northern China. Scan the QR code to start this winter journey with us. App download not required.

     “美丽中国·冰雪之旅 互动体验”项目,中国冰雪文化互动体验专题页,以手绘动画形式呈现。以当代中国地域特色为载体,以中国冰雪文化为内容,借助微短视频、图片、轻交互知识问答等串起冰雪文化丰富多彩的体验内容,清爽简洁地向世界展示美丽中国冰雪文化的魅力。让海外民众在沉浸式的体验中,看中国北方丰富的冰雪文化,搭建世界各地民众尽享冰雪中国的舞台。专题页无需下载App,扫描二维码即可体验。